English Summary

Günter Bayer Stiftung für Kinder und Jugendliche

The “Günter Bayer Stiftung für Kinder und Jugendliche” is a foundation that is dedicated to the promotion of disadvantaged children and youth. We support projects that deal with one or more of the following:

  • personal development
  • education and training
  • promotion of equal opportunities 

for disadvantaged children or adolescents.

We are very thankful if you want to support our work!

Donations can be made to:

Günter Bayer Stiftung

Ellwanger & Geiger Privatbankiers
Konto 11 222 000
BLZ 600 302 00
Iban: DE85600302000309756006 

Applications for funding can be submitted by associations, clubs, organizations and individuals.

Applications or inquiries for further information can be sent to:   

Mrs Christiane Nill

An application should be divided into three parts:

A) General information

1.      Project Name

2.      Application sum / total cost of the project

3.      Duration of project

4.      Details of the applicants, project coordinator, institution, website, legal representative, legal adress, e-mail address

B) Project description (max. two pages). This should include:

1.      Project summary (max. 12 lines)

2.      Why is the project necessary? (Project background)

3.      Project objectives

4.      Activities planned

5.      Approximate time schedule

6.      Description of target group(s)

C) Financing plan

7.      Expenditure

8.      Income